Cod Almighty | Article
by Tony Butcher
6 August 2007
He's 21 you know. He's always been 21. For little Nick it's forever autumn too, for he's perennially on the fringe of the manager's thoughts, like they can't quite remember who he is. He is Town's longest-serving player now, with a total of 22 appearances. No doubt he'll still be here in 21 years' time, when he'll still be 21 and have made another 21 appearances. He's part of the Blundell Park furniture: he's a pot plant sitting atop a high cabinet in a darkened corner. Someone water the pot plant, will yer!
A left-footed not-quite-winger not-quite-full-back type. Without pace, without bulk, but with a one-year contract, Hegggggarty's career is a constant tape loop. Isn't this where we came in?
One day someone will let him play his harmonica. "Not now Arthur!"